Research & Development Center
Teko R&D Centre support ongoing operations, product renewal and drive innovations to create future business opportunities. The experience and competence of the organization ensure its excellence in key areas. Teko R&D Centre coordinates the Group’s external research and development partnerships. Teko is taking part in several collaboration projects that strengthen and complement our own expertise and resources. We work together with bilateral and multi-stakeholder projects with partners from businesses, institutes, and higher education in Pakistan and abroad. These projects may be fully financed by Teko or jointly with local, regional, national and internationals financing organization. One prerequisite for Teko to take part in external projects is that these must have a distinct link to Teko’s strategies and priorities. The Teko R&D Centre works continuously to ensure that externally generated results are used in internal projects and to add up products, quality, and business value. We have a well-established procedure to evaluate and priorities the submitted joint venture projects/proposals from our potential partners. We strive to achieve a balanced external project portfolio comprising both long-term, knowledge-building and product-centric activities. The world is changing at a rapid pace, so are the requirements of our customers. Our quest to provide the best possible solutions to their needs is backed by our Research and Development (R&D) prowess.